Hello Poets, Writers, and Artists!
As writers, most of us are interested in the psychological elements that give us our particular quirks, techniques, and preferences when it comes to crafting our creative work. For instance, you might be a binge writer, while the majority of your writing friends consistently allot an hour a day to their writing practice. Or perhaps you compose your best poems after 10 pm, noting that your poetry buddies usually write first thing in the morning. Exploring our various creative styles can be both enlightening and fascinating.
In August, we featured an introduction (Muse Issue 69) listing the ten “writing rules” of Zadie Smith, the award-winning essayist, novelist, and short story writer, who is currently a professor in the creative writing department at New York University. Once again, we have found inspiration in Smith’s writing wisdom! “That Crafty Feeling” was originally a lecture given by Smith to the students of Columbia University’s Writing Program,…