Hi Poets and Writers!
We hope you are enjoying these summer days!
Do you ever wonder what it is about your particular mind and personality that prompts you to write poems and/or stories from your experiences and imagination? Why do you have an actively “creative” mind, while other family members or friends just don’t seem that interested in creative pursuits?
A fascinating creativity study was conducted in the 1960s at UC Berkeley, where some notable writers (William Carlos Williams and Truman Capote), architects, visual artists, entrepreneurs, and scientists were gathered as test subjects. These creative individuals were given a variety of personality and mental health assessments as well as academic and IQ tests.
Although the researchers didn’t attain a complete understanding of the intricacies of the creative mind, they did arrive at some general personality traits that all of these individuals had in common no matter what their creative work:
Openness and attentiveness to the inter…